Pick up any monthly magazine, and you’ll see recipes for foods we enjoyed ‘back in the day.’ In times of stress, we all tend to reach for foods we know we are going to enjoy; food favorites, if you will. Interestingly, the trend for comfort foods continues, even as some of the uncertainty of the times is behind us.
According to WebMD, “New research suggests that high-fat, high-carbohydrate comfort foods actually fight stress by stemming the tide of stress-related hormones that are released when people are acutely exposed to stress.”
Research firm Packaged Facts says, “Sales of baking related products soared by 24% last year to reach $26.5 billion. Baking comfort foods in times of pandemic stress was certainly a factor.”
At Jacquie’s Gourmet Catering, we have definitely taken this trend to heart. We took a look at repeat clients’ favorite entrees, and tweaked the recipes, updating them a bit for flavor, texture and taste. We also test-test in our kitchens to find out which of our entrees win out.
So you’ll find all your favorites on the menu – tasting even better than ever! -- from Beef Wellington to Beef Tenderloin; Coq au Vin to Chicken Marsala, Salmon en Croute, to Rack of Lamb with Mint. Your taste buds will purr with pleasure!
Since making sure what we serve is as healthy and organic as possible, you can also be assured virtually everything we prepare, cook and serve is sustainably raised, grown and produced by local farmers, and prepared with non-GMO ingredients.
Healthy favorites, updated -- and safely and organically produced. We like the sound (and taste!) of that.
We think you will, too.