Now is the best time to book your holiday party

August 29, 2017Lauren Windle

The staff of Jacquie’s Gourmet Catering doesn’t like to see summer ending anymore than you do.

Just like you, we shake our heads when we see Halloween décor out in the stores before Labor Day. And we won’t even think about ordering new fall clothes from our favorite catalogs. Too early!

That said, however, believe it or not, early September is the ideal time to think months ahead to your holiday party.

You heard that right. Book early to select the date you want and the facility you want. Especially if the party date you are considering will be on a Friday or Saturday evening in November or December at a popular destination.

Jacquie’s Gourmet Catering has agreements with many elegant, new and beautiful facilities where you can book your party through us, but – other caterers use these facilities as well. We can’t book you if the date and time are already taken.

So word to the wise: Be smart and plan now. Book the date you want and then, we can work with you to make your corporate or personal holiday event a smash hit on the most-sought after evening of the year.

Now that you’ve got that done, go on back outside and enjoy a little sun!

Cheers!     - Jacquie

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